| The Moment |

The Moment: Issue 1030

It opened up the channels for participants to speak directly to a gadol

Living Higher

Several months ago, a group of dedicated balabatim launched the “Hashkafa in the Workplace” Vaad, a monthly series of speeches and question-and-answer sessions from rabbanim specifically devoted to members of the workforce. Up until now, the events had taken place in Lakewood. Last week, the vaad expanded its reach with a shiur in the Passaic-Clifton community. Rav Uri Duetsch shlita, rav of Forest Park in Lakewood, delivered the opening speech and participated in the question-and-answer session, moderated by Moshe Neihaus, that followed. The inaugural Passaic shiur also featured a unique twist: At one point during the question-and-answer session, all cameras and recorders were turned off, and the audience was invited to ask questions directly, without the pressure of being on camera. Aside from the less pressurized atmosphere that a device-free environment engenders, it also opened up the channels for participants to speak directly to a gadol.

Priorities in Place

As a new school year gets off to a start, one Lakewood playgroup morah noted her hours in a note to parents — along with a sense of the correct priorities.

A Privilege

During the gedolei haTorah’s whirlwind fundraising trip to chutz l’Aretz, Rav Dovid Cohen shlita was invited to deliver a shiur at Yeshiva Ateret Torah in Flatbush, many of whose alumni were his talmidim in Yeshivas Chevron. Rav Dovid began his shiur by expressing how he felt undeserving of the privilege of addressing them. “In this yeshiva, they know how to learn,” he said. “To give a shiur, I myself need to learn, but I’ve been running from place to place all week!” And with that humble disclaimer, he proceeded to deliver a shiur with his trademark brilliance. Mishpacha’s Avraham Elbaz was there capturing the moment when Torah and humility fused into a single beautiful image.


(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 1030)

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