With all of their hard work, the deal of the century looks just as elusive on the ground as it did 100 years ago
Grandiose plans can fail when they can’t possibly be implemented on the ground, even with all the goodwill in the world
Will Trump’s peace deal go the way of all deals?
While Bibi normally runs for reelection as Mr. Security, Gantz holds strong defense credentials as a former IDF chief of staff
China-US showdown drags in little Israel
This was the year objectivity vanished, and knee-jerk reactions prevail
“There is no irresistible march of history toward progress or liberal democracy”
Will Israel’s Supreme Court kill chareidi degree boom?
Trump would like to release his plan for Arab-Israeli peace within the next two months, and he needs Saudi Arabia to sell it to the Arab world
A Ministry of Foreign Affairs survey reports that anywhere from 21% to 43% of the Arab public is interested in relations with Israel, including 23% in Saudi Arabia