When we eye something, we impact it
Music can transport us on an inner journey
The keys to life are safely in Hashem’s Hands
On Chanukah we battle for true beauty
Rav Moshe Shapira on Rosh Hashanah
On tefillah in difficult times
I once took an engaged couple to Rav Moshe for advice on how to build their future home. I’d like to share his words
The enigmatic avodah of Hoshana Rabbah,The Final Showdown,The enigmatic avodah of Hoshana Rabbah
Special Dance,“It’s not a nisayon, it’s your tafkid”,Special Children, Special Dance,“It’s not a nisayon, it’s your tafkid”
You and I will cry together
Dovid Hamelech, ancestor of Mashiach, descended from Ruth, princess of the most depraved nation. Rav Moshe Shapira ztz”l expl ...