How could he take responsibility for them when he had failed with Beirish?
I’m not sure you can call it a comfort to be reminded you’re not the only one to have suffered a double tragedy like we did.
A place of true Torah, of ahavat Yisrael, and spiritual growth
Slowly the two sheets of glass were covered with names. No one questioned why. They just wrote and wrote
In 1948, our Uncle Max in London helped our family obtain visas to England. The sefer Torah and the Shas, an original Vilna edition, came with us
Not all goodbyes are equal
I looked up the site and entered the names of my father’s grandfather and uncle. I couldn’t believe it; there were matches
We marveled at the Hashgachah pratis we had merited — a fluke flight in middle of the night especially for our father z”l
I’ve been in the tzedakah “business” long enough to know Hashem has got me covered.
If we had made the trip to Eretz Yisrael only to hear the story Avi proceeded to tell us, dayeinu — it would have been more than enough