
Shmueli Ungar’s Last Minute Decision

Every artist wants his album to be as perfect as can be, but sometimes he has to take a gamble. Is the song he’s deliberating over going to soar or flop? Is that last-minute replacement going to be dynamic or a sleeper?

How do you know you've made the right choice?

Shmueli Ungar

On Shmueli-2, we had recorded an entire song, “Mah yisron le’adam lechol amalo,” but we’d recorded it as “bechol amalo,” misquoting one word from the pasuk in Koheles. Moshe Laufer, the arranger, was the one who realized our error. It was last minute, but there was no option of putting out the song with the wrong word, so we went back to the studio to rerecord.

(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 745)


Ma Yisron
Shmueli Ungar
Tagged: Endnote