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Shavuos Florals

Text and Styling by Esther Ottensoser
Photography by Chay Berger

It’s said that the Chazon Ish once commented that he was unable to look at a rose for too long, as he would get overwhelmed by its beauty.

This anecdote came to mind a few days ago when I was discarding some roses that had seen better days. As I was about to throw the last rose away, I noticed the many petals it had, which were all visible because it was so open. I decided to pull the rose apart and count the petals. By the time I got to the last petal, number 35(!), I was blown away.

This Shavuos, stop, notice, and enjoy the colors, intricacies, and detail that make each flower so gorgeous and unique!

All Around Flower Arrangement

This idea is perfect for all of you who like to think “out of the vase.”

Adding test tubes to the bottom of the vase adds so much charm. There are so many creative directions you can go in with this idea. I used a bouquet of assorted flowers in the large vase and the same flowers in the test tubes. I think filling the large vase with a solid color like white or green hydrangeas and using colorful flowers around it would also look so striking. I’d also love to try this idea at a simchah with a large candle in the center vase with flowers in the test tubes around it.

For step by step instructions click here:

Overflowing with Beauty

When shopping for flowers, we’re never sure exactly what will be available at the flower shop. One magnificent flower that’s almost guaranteed to be available on Erev Shavuos is peonies. Below is a list of exactly what we used to make this stunning arrangement that will take center stage on your table. I love using Italian ruscus in arrangements, as they make them look grander and larger.

For step by step instructions click here.

https://qgbyee9whhjnu758-7099115.shopifypreview.com/blogs/esther-o-dFor step by step instructions click here:esign/articles?preview_key=8944d7954ffc9f865c181b67f5e6b8c8

Tied with a Bow

Add some charm to your vase by tying some pretty bows onto them. You can use any rectangular vase and ribbon of any color or fabric you like.


For step by step instructions click here.


Thanks to Tali’s Global Flowers for all the flowers and the silver vase.

Lakewood: 1797 Avenue of the States Jackson: 200 North County Line Road

 Scan here for the products used


(Originally featured in Family Table, Issue 897)

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