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"A person might actually miss out on their bashert and years of happiness because they said no based on a picture"
“Halachah yadua sh’Eisav soneh l’Yaakov. This level of hatred, this willful distortion of facts is so blatant that it can only be from Hashem”
"One thing must be made absolutely clear. In this crisis, there is no 'Them.' It is only “Us' "
“The true goal is not to change your status to a married person. It is to build a healthy, whole bayis ne’eman b’Yisrael”
“This is what people are struggling with now and it gives chizuk to others to read about it. To pretend these issues don’t exist does a disservice to everyone”
"The absence of shomer Shabbos programs, while compounding the complexity of training, is a challenge that can be overcome"
“The Yamim Noraim are an auspicious time for us to bring our outer conduct in line with our inner values”
Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis’s daughter remembers the shul of her youth
“The mourning has gone out from our hearts, as we seek quiet in a land that is not ours”
“I really hope one day that I can vanquish the dragon of my following sports. But I am so thankful this column was printed”
"The town [Lakewood] has now become the focus of all the distractions that Rav Aharon ztz”l did not want in his yeshivah"