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“As long as people continue to pay high prices for sheitels, music bands, etc., and this becomes the new ‘norm,’ this problem will only grow”
The Chofetz Chaim’s deep emunah in the imminent geulah was so real to him that despite all the difficulties involved and all the objections, he felt that he had no choice but to m ...
“Every parent of a special-needs child fears the day they will no longer be around to care for them”
You may not be able to help Rochi but you can help real people
When high-living standards meet a credit card, you’re lucky if you break even
“Placing out-of-town communities near the North Pole was a total lack of sensitivity, belittling the place we live and hold dear”
“No, we’re not impressed, we don’t think it’s interesting; in fact, we think you’re being downright dumb, irresponsible, and immature”
Let me be clear. Aniim are not raising communal standards. Tzedakah funds are reacting to the increased expectations set by others.
How hard must we work to safeguard our reputation on channels beyond our comfort zones as frum Jews?
The things that seem to have no earthly bounds, no constraints, that seem to defy Einstein’s theory of relativity with regard to time and space
The jingle genre wasn’t lost on Jewish marketers, and in the 70s and 80s, Jewish jingles started becoming popular