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“Please, as long as there are single girls (and boys) in the world, keep Rochi Kichel single”
“The story of the frum miluim families is tragic. As they say in Israel, we are shkufim, invisible”
Because for us time stopped in March, right after Purim, and it hasn’t passed by so much as crept
It’s strips like these that solidify The Kichels as frum social commentary at its finest
There’s a candle, people gather, there are speeches, perhaps refreshments or even a full meal. Yes, all the elements of an event
“If our mosdos insist on creating rules that do not acknowledge the reality of today’s challenges, they cannot expect the average parent to be truthful”
“If the Kichels are eating Melaveh Malkah, so can all of us!”
"Of course her single friends are hurt. What are we? People with no feelings? Here when it’s convenient and to be ignored when it’s less so?"