
Rabbi Shmuel Yaakov Klein: Abie’s Legacy Song



worked with Abie on a number of recording projects, including the 4-part series of the Middos Machine and more. Not only is he very talented, but he’s a baal regesh who emotes poignantly through his music. One particular song that’s always moved me is “Memories” [Journeys 2], which evokes the imagery of elderly Holocaust survivors who struggle with their losses. The scene of an old zeide recalling a child from a different time strikes a personal chord, as both of my parents endured similar losses. I once told Abie that if I could choose a single achievement of his that caused me to be envious, it would be writing that song.”


—Rabbi Shmuel Yaakov Klein

Director of publications and communications for Torah Umesorah

Still on Fire

Abie Rotenberg