There was one phone in the entire village, a payphone in a wood shed in the middle of a cornfield
“The Klausenburger Rebbe is especially remembered for his foresight in establishing yeshivos and Bais Yaakovs immediately after the war in the DP camps”
Difficult days are still ahead of us, perhaps in the not-too-distant future
I thought that divorce meant saying goodbye to one person in your life
The even greater pity is that Vance was making an important point
“The interviews should show how, in these trying times, we realize that our differences are not really important”
Was this as wow as she thought? She’d viewed the video so many times already, she was no longer objective
Voters are more likely to blame the party in power than the party seeking to regain power
Mrs. Mindu Hornick attributes her unlikely survival to, “Miracles, only miracles”
Children whose parents were killed in terror attacks find a circle of healing
The air is no longer golden, it is a mass of black legionnaires, crimson blood, and clouds of thick brown dust