“Dovi Safier has created a new genre, and a credit to the magazine and the talented author who has made it possible”
In the 1830s, a family in Tangier, Morocco, that traced its roots to the 1492 Spanish expulsion drew unwanted fame
True, she may be safe. But if Castro is arrested then they are all in danger. All the Jews of Jerusalem
A cascade of events frees a Jewish woman in the Bible Belt
Overcoming one’s ego is more pleasurable than conquering almost any other bad middah
A Gissinger grandson got up, and like his grandfather did years before, began to hum the sweetest of tunes
How quickly will US allies forget American snooping?
Maybe I didn’t want to admit it out loud, but my niggling internal voices were getting stronger
To live forever… who would not grab the opportunity if they could?
Welcome to Shabbos by the Klein bros, California style
I took another glance at the blue sea just out the window, and thought of the Jews crossing the Yam Suf