Put your money to work now so you can take it easy later
“AI is too important not to regulate, and too important not to regulate well”
“Trash?! You call this trash?! Do you know how much chesed was performed through this door?”
How can one beating heart bear the pain, the hurt, the emotion, together with the nachas, the joy, the love all at once?
Trial judges indicate that Bibi didn't bribe
These are little spherical bombs of flavor
Please, dear colony mates, help me out here. We can take a step away from the intimidation and glitz and be real
“Thank you, Sarah Chana Radcliffe for normalizing the use of psychiatric medications”
Could a red angus be the actual parah adumah?
“Elana’s been teaching Katie about Judaism,” they chuckled to my parents one morning. “Katie says she wants to convert”
Why don’t you talk?