DeSantis is gambling on a strategy that only seems to work in politics
A heartfelt prayer has the ability to save a person’s life, independent of his merits or faults
I’ll give them this: my sisters make a great audience. They all gasp and sigh at all the right moments.
When BINA founder and director Chavie Glustein reached out to me at the beginning of the winter, she had something else in mind
You don’t have to rely on your mother’s healing in order for you to heal
The Arizal teaches that our children are given to us to help us fix ourselves
You might be spending time with your spouse, but this doesn’t mean that you can’t feel lonely even in their presence
Life is a cycle — and a spiral that pushes us higher
Here are spins that transform yogurt and oatmeal into wholesome meals that hit all four macros to help balance blood sugar and promote hormonal health
“This letter writer... seems to be seriously misinformed regarding the nature of woke ideology, Jewish history, and Torah hashkafah”
Maybe gift-giving evens out the score. But why are we even keeping track?