The problem with acting ethically is that you have to do it in real time
There is nothing better than a thinly sliced piece of sushi-grade tuna with a little sesame oil and soy sauce. Give it a try. You might just love it.
Having simanim play out in different dishes of your Yom Tov table is always fun, but sweet roasted carrots covered in a garlic-infused oil makes it delicious as well.
Despite the war, “lev Yisrael eir” — the heart of Israel is awake in Torah and mitzvos
What happened next is vivid in my mind like a scene from a horror film
That’s what they told me. That just to lie still, to close your eyes and feign, that alone can refresh you
Underground yeshivos that kept the song alive in times of terror and fear
This fish dish takes just a few minutes to prepare — definitely appreciated when preparing so many Yom Tov dishes
This is the lost legacy of Bais Yaakov of Lithuania
“Shh! Not so loud. Oy, Nomes, you poor thing, you walked right into the chaos”
But then you push it too far. You think you can stretch “happy kiddo” to chap arein Shemoneh Esreh