“That letter that you got a while back, can we look at it?” he asks. “Maybe there’s a clue in there”
“Every blatt Gemara is a missile. Every Tosafos is a rocket. Every kapitel Tehillim is a bomb”
“I don’t care how you showed up; the main thing is you’ve finally arrived”
Yona, I was under the impression that you’d paid the deposit but the funds do not appear to have come in yet. Can you call me please…
“As I was told by a mentor: Challenges are a shortcut to greatness”
Here they come, the teenagers headed for their schools and dormitories, rolling their carry-ons behind them
In tribute to legendary music producer Sheya Mendlowitz
“Oh, gosh, I’m so sorry. I just, we were having such a nice time in the park, and I started to sketch, and I totally forgot,” I say
“Not a new person, Nomes, an old person. This is who Yocheved really is, who she was before her life got so complicated”
Few progressive Jews, I suspect, ever expected to see UCLA students rallying around the chant, “Israel, you can’t hide/We want Jewish genocide”