Even the smallest and seemingly insignificant possession is a matnas Elokim and must be treated as such
The Alsace vineland — ping-ponged between France and Germany for hundreds of years — is proof that a Yid says l’chayim no matter what comes his way
“Alcoholism and problematic drinking is not a shalom bayis issue. It cannot be resolved in an evenhanded discussion with a rav or a couple’s therapist”
The Torah is describing something even deeper. At that moment, each of them was thinking of the other
“Ladies, now comes the fun part. Why did you come today? What are your dreams for Chesed Tzirel?”
If you get at least 13 questions correct, you can endorse yourself as a true music aficionado
Anything would be worth it if it would help us have a baby
For those of us who aren’t on the front lines, tefillah and Torah are our main contribution to the war effort