“Let’s be gentle with one another. Everyone else is attacking us. We don’t need to attack each other”
After the DC rally, what’s next?
Faith in Israel’s political leadership is flagging. Emunah in our Father in Heaven, on the other hand, is holding up fine
Singing for a people in pain, Yaakov Shwekey got more than he gave
“Dad, when you jumped from airplanes, was it scary? Were you afraid?”
In the bitterness of the Urals, Savta always sought sweetness
But of course, they didn’t know. They didn’t believe. And they didn’t leave
A Plea for Single People to Reclaim Their Agency
Nellie is always busy, always distracted. She’ll come up with a billion new things to do rather than stick with one thing for more than a day
Acknowledging the limits of hasbarah, easing up on the desperation and our quest to convince the moral-equivalencers
They’re full of remorse. Yet sometimes it’s too late for remorse