Twenty-five years after Reb Yonah Balkind's passing and thousands of students later, his legacy is preserved in the next generation
Mishpacha’s experts predict the year ahead
“I know I’ll get the hang of it. But you don’t mind? Are you sure?”
Marjorie glanced down at the Chai pendant. I’ll think about what I should tell them while I’m packing
Mishpacha’s experts predict the year ahead
What’s your go-to niggun for Kedushah, to help get to that very special place?
“Ayala kept saying, ‘Really, don’t waste your time, this is not up for discussion.’” She looked at Shuki. “I mean, did you ever?”
Okay, so no one could call him a whiz in the kitchen, but this was a whole new language
There is one truly powerful response that is often overlooked: to become more Jewish
A happy workplace leads to higher job satisfaction, increased productivity, reduced turnover, and a more innovative and collaborative work environment