Part of that song, a chant of “B’EZRAT HASHEM NENATSEACH” is the opening and title of Ari Goldwag's just-released album
DIY kid costumes with spirit and soul
Anti-Israel provocateur George Galloway exploits a gap in Labour to finagle a return to Parliament
With so many toppings to choose from, making these chocolate discs can get addictive!
A critical understanding of human attachment is recognizing the need to be seen
“The impression you make might impact not just the person in front of you, but all of his or her future generations”
I love these events, the vibrancy, the music ripping the air with sound, the flashing lights rending the darkness
“Our post-seminary system is simply not set up for women to have other women to reach out to in the long term”
Then comes that Friday night. The night that I don’t make it in time….
They’re delicious and slightly better for you!
In honor of Purim season, we pull back the curtains and walk you through Mint Media’s blooper reel