Our struggle to prevent these thoughts from entering our mind must be all-encompassing
It’s mysterious, deadly, and one of the oldest ways to dispose of an enemy
The subtext to the increasingly strident calls by Israel’s allies to halt the military operation in Gaza
Where is there space for what I want to say? What do I want to say? Who am I to say anything?
Today on Home Front: The Final Episode of the Season
It’s also so easy to prepare and perfect when made in advance
Schumer tarnished his longstanding pro-Israel reputation forever in the eyes of a majority of Israelis and a goodly number of Americans
With striped hats and hyped cats, these classics reinvent themselves
Rabbi’s Riyadh run-in blows lid off Mohammed bin Salman (“MBS”) foes
The Megillah presents a road map to our redemption
I thought I knew what her fervent tefillos were for