Voice in the Crowd
It’s not easy, it’s not convenient, and it’s not always understood by the outside world, but it’s how we roll

By Yisroel Besser

The Current
Inside the Mossad's pinpoint Iranian operation: An open-source intelligence scan reveals what happened during the lead-up and the fateful moments that tipped the balance of terror

By Ronen Solomon

As Israel’s ambassador Ron Dermer is about to leave his Washington posting after seven years, he recaps the challenges and triumphs of a transformative term

By Gedalia Guttentag

The Soapbox
Europe's Jewish communities — most at risk from Europe’s Islamists — becomes the first victim of the policy designed to protect them

By Gedalia Guttentag

The Moment
Rav Yitzchak Shlomo Ungar had no biological children, but his kever is often surrounded by petitioners

By Shuki Lehrer

Creamy and smooth, chocolate sesame butter is the latest family favorite! While most people are just enjoying it straight out of the jar, here are some fun and easy ideas that wil ...

By Estee Kafra