
Magazine Feature Tuesday June 27, 2023

Two-Part Harmony 

Veteran badchan Yonasan Schwartz sings for new couples by night and repairs frayed marriages by day

On Topic Wednesday February 24, 2016

Single Files

of facts about frum dating and the world of shidduchim today.

Inbox Tuesday February 7, 2023

Inbox: Issue 948

“The true goal is not to change your status to a married person. It is to build a healthy, whole bayis ne’eman b’Yisrael”

Risk Factor Wednesday February 5, 2020

Shidduch Crisis

"You cannot believe that your life is worthless because you’re not married”

LifeLines Wednesday January 17, 2018

Hungry for Support

“You know how our community is,” he said. “And you have to think about what this will mean for your other children’s shidduchim”

Talk Back Thursday June 4, 2020

Stop the Single-Shaming

"One thing most definitely does need fixing. And that is the absence of empathy and respect for an entire demographic"

LifeLines Wednesday July 22, 2020

Setting the Mood

My wife refused the medication that would save our marriage