Magazine Feature
In tribute to Rabbi Moshe Sherer

By Shmuel Botnick

As the owner and conductor of Lev Choir, a New York-based adult choir, he loves helping people actualize their personal musical vision for their special night

By Riki Goldstein

“Yudi,” he gasps out. He can’t find Yudi when he reaches for him. Everything around him is fire and black smoke, acrid and deadly

By Bashie Lisker

Second Thoughts
The focus here is not on the mitzvah of giving, but on what giving can do for you

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

Cut ‘n Paste
“It is not up to you to finish the job... but neither are you free to disengage from it”

By Linda Hirschel

Double Take
I was doing a favor for a neighbor in crisis — so why was I the target of so much resentment?

By Rochel Samet

Magazine Feature
For Rabbi Alan Plancey, the crown on his kehillah, one of the fastest-growing Orthodox communities in the UK, tops any royal welcome

By Riki Goldstein

The Moment
“It was in the merit of your dedication to upholding your spirituality"

By Shmuel Botnick and Yosef Herz

The Rose Report
Since they’re mainly political theater, the show can go on, even when only the understudies show up

By Binyamin Rose

Jr. Serial
I space back in as Aunt Chana makes a sharp right, past an unfamiliar park. Wait, where are we going?

By Rochel Samet

Business Casual
“The marketplace is so much bigger than our community. Sometimes frum entrepreneurs forget about the opportunities in the general market”

By Sarah Massry

A Heaping Scoop
Do you freeze cheesecakes? Are there do’s and don’ts for freezing them?

By Family Table Contributors

Label a kid a "beis-level bochur" and you just might seal his fate 

By Rabbi Avrohom Neuberger

I always love a way to stretch a protein, and summer rolls are a fun option for a fresher, lighter version of a spring roll

By Michal Frischman