Rabbi Fishel Schachter encases vital messages in pathos, charm, and wit

By Shmuel Botnick

Magazine Feature
Will the humans who created artificial intelligence (AI) soon be relegated to some dusty corner?

By Noam Paley

Knesset Channel
Shas's Kosel modesty bill was needlessly heavy-handed

By Avi Blum, ESQ

Washington Wrap
He's still not declared, but Biden's campaigning

By Omri Nahmias

Washington Wrap
What is the US trying to accomplish with this arms sale? Enhance NATO capabilities, deter Russia, or both?

By Omri Nahmias

The Current
When we mourn, we suddenly remember we are all one

By Tzippy Yarom

The Current
Dramatic rescue accounts from Israel’s rescue delegation in Turkey's catastrophic earthquake scene

By Eliezer Shulman

The Rose Report
“The High Court in Israel has powers unlike any other court on the face of the earth, full stop”

By Binyamin Rose

Family First Serial
When she heard Papa’s voice, she could not think: He is a prisoner. I am an employee of Hurrem Sultan. She simply thought, Hide, hide, HIDE!

By Leah Gebber

The sophisticated combo of chocolate and mint has always been one of my faves

By Chavi Feldman

I raised you — and now you decide there are things more important than family

By Baila Blum

The barbecue sauce in this recipe adds an amazing flavor.

By Menachem Goodman

Words Unspoken
I can’t invite only some of you. I can’t invite all of you. Instead, Tatty and I invite none of you

By Anonymous

On Site
They’re a community of mushroom hunters, who know how to find some of nature’s richest food in venues you’d never expect

By Yisrael Hershkowitz