In those days, Jews were Jews, and I, the grandson of the Rosh Yeshivah, played ball with Bernie, the kid whose father worked on Shabbos

By C. Saphir

“Learn three masechtos, be’al peh,” the rosh yeshivah said. “Kiddushin, Gittin, Nedarim. Then you will have a bechinah. If you succeed, you’ll earn 20 litu and a new suit”
Shared Space
Now she knew why she wasn’t feeling the peace that sleeping Sari and grateful Ariella and the sunny living room should have given her

By Dov Haller

Normal Like Me
“He said more than that: He said that G-d is everything that happens to us and everything that will happen. He is the blood that flows in our veins”

By Ruti Kepler

How can we maximize the potential of Rosh Hashanah?

By Yonoson Rosenblum

Text Messages
A move toward Him necessarily means a move away

By Eytan Kobre

What do the multiple books of life mean to us?

By Rabbi Efrem Goldberg

Magazine Feature
If you walk into a Pinsk-Karliner tish looking for the Rebbe, he’s the one sitting in the middle of the table among the chassidim, leaving rebbishe hanhagos at the door

By Aryeh Ehrlich

On Site
Kfar Pines was founded in 1933 by new immigrants from Eastern Europe. Today, it’s home to more than 1,000 people, several thousand bees, and frum beekeeper Yehuda Kendal

By Riki Goldstein

Day in the Life
Ezra Lubelsky’s NusachTefillah.com for baalei tefillah

By Rachel Bachrach

Tears spring to my eyes. What kind of bar mitzvah will I have? I turn away, trying to hide my reaction to the judge’s words

By Tovy Mann

Magazine Feature
Reb Moshe Goldman a”h wrote hundreds of niggunim, but each one was more than a song — every tune was a tefillah, a supplication. And during these days there’s no stronger language ...

By Shlomi Gil

Story Time
“Yes, we already know you’re the best dancer around,” another person agreed as the crowd murmured their agreement. “We’re tired of trying to out-dance you”

By Yehuda Bromberg

Catching up With
“I’m only here because my wife said let’s go,” said Rabbi Avraham Tanzer after 55 years as rosh yeshivah in South Africa. “People from Williamsburg and Telz don’t do Africa”

By Binyamin Rose