Reexamining our allegiances, involvement, and expectations in a turbulent political landscape

By Hank Sheinkopf

Reexamining our allegiances, involvement, and expectations in a turbulent political landscape

By Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein

“If you won’t give me potatoes, then I’ll have to manage without any food.I have never eaten chometz on Pesach, and I will not start now”

By Rivka Junger

Until the day I got married, at the age of 20, I handed over every penny I earned to my father to help pay the bills

By C. Saphir

Cut ‘n Paste
Laureate’s Chef Buck, is a 60-something non-Jew who will surely merit Olam Haba. He is most certainly from the Chassidei Umos Ha’olam

By Zev Light

Normal Like Me
Smiling wickedly, Itzik decided to have some fun. “Yes, as a matter of fact, there is something… or I should say, someone. Someone I met”

By Ruti Kepler

Point of View
What does the moon have to do with the Exodus?

By Rabbi Moshe Grylak zt"l

Am Yisrael’s founding was no less than a second Creation

By Yonoson Rosenblum

On the House
Levi hobbled into the living room, rubbing his eyes. He looked at her raw structure. “You want coffee? This is gonna be a long night.”

By Faigy Schonfeld

Center Stage
“Out of this world, ladies!” Rina gushed as she sailed into the backstage dressing room, the final applause still roaring in her ears. “You outdid yourselves tonight!”

By Gila Arnold

Map the Starlight
She closes the book, thinks of the parchment. The only thing she does know is that Heaven wanted Jocef’s strange work to come to her hands

By Leah Gebber

True Account
Sophomore year, I walked into a bookstore in the Jewish neighborhood. What was probably a typical seforim store felt, at the time, like a suffocating closet of truth

By Abby Delouya B.A, B.Ed, MFT

Unwilling to drive home from the first Seder as she had done in previous years, she was going to spend the first Seder alone

By Debbie Goldman

Family Tempo
I want to leave. Leave the store and the girl and her round green eyes and the questions splayed across her forehead

By Rachael Lavon