Rabbi Nachman Seltzer grabs onto the power of a zeidy’s cry

By Riki Goldstein

Moshe Goldman’s Yom Kippur niggunim still ignite tishen around the world

By Riki Goldstein


By Riki Goldstein

5 out of 10
Saying I’m sorry is never easy. Here are five phrases to avoid when apologizing so you don’t have to say I’m sorry again.

By Dovid Bashevkin

Rav Moshe Elazar Lipka, who followed Rav Yisrael Zeev Gustman ztz”l to Eretz Yisrael, shares memories of his rebbi’s great ...

By Rav Eliyahu Gut and Rav Ephraim Galinksy

Twenty years ago, Rabbi Doniel Katz didn’t have a single Jewish friend. Today, he leads Elevation, teaching even FFBs how to connect to Hashem

By Shraga Simmons

Magazine Feature
In the relentless battlefield of life, man has to choose good and reject evil. But there are two options regarding what ...

By Osher Chaim Levene

The Rose Report
Principled realism and maybe a dose of hypocrisy,The Rose Report: Trump’s Deal for Rogue States,Principled realism and maybe ...

By Binyamin Rose

We get offended because of our bad middos,Room for One More,We get offended because of our bad middos

By Faigy Peritzman

Washington Wrap
For most people on this list Yom Kippur is just another day — but in the spirit of the holy day, we reviewed t ...

By Omri Nahmias

The Explainer
Why Israel’s Supreme Court sees itself as the ultimate arbiter,The Explainer: Judicial Activism & the Chareidi Draft,Why Isr ...

By Binyamin Rose

I realized that I would probably die and that there was nothing I could do to stop that from happening.

By C. Saphir

Greater control in one area has spillover effects,Just One Undertaking Can Make a Huge Difference,Greater control in one area ...

By Yonoson Rosenblum

Shul with a View
The most important lesson I needed to prepare,On His Way,The most important lesson I needed to prepare

By Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman