Personal Accounts
When a non-Jew wants to follow Ruth’s example and join our Nation, there’s a long road ahead of her,
Can Shuvu increase its impact on secular Israelis?
Cut ‘n Paste
Everyone knew he was a tremendous machmir, extremely, extremely careful about every drop of food that went into his mouth. ...
Connect Two
Kayla, 15, has a hard time remembering words
By D. Himy, M.S. CCC-SLP and Zivia Reischer
Magazine Feature
Just hours before he passed away with all his children gathered around him Rav Yisroel Grossman instructed Rebbetzin Nussbaum to look in the pocket of his jacket. Inside were thre ...
Real Life
I would never be able to fashion my husband into the man I had hoped to marry, a man focused on serving Hashem and being a family man. But I could be his friend. And maybe, he wou ...