Magazine Feature
Is Eylon Levy a cautionary tale of a spokesman exceeding his mandate, or a parable for the crippling failings of Israel’s PR machine?

By Yaakov Lipszyc

Magazine Feature
A year after the passing of Rav Gershon Edelstein ztz”l, his son-in-law Rav Dovid Levy opens a page into this giant of spirit

By Shlomo Copperman

Knesset Channel
Bibi hopes to outlast the Bden administration — but can he survive his own attorney general?

By Avi Blum, ESQ

The Rose Report
Cheerleading for Hamas will cost you at the polls

By Binyamin Rose

Halls of Power
7 key scenarios that could shape November’s outcome

By Maury Litwack

Job Search
Good sonographers possess excellent technical skills, eye-hand coordination, and attention to detail

By Gila Arnold

Elderly Danish Jews relive the night they were rowed to safety 

By Riki Goldstein

“Whatever the cause, the pattern is clear: Pro-Palestinian protests are overwhelmingly an elite college phenomenon”

By Yonoson Rosenblum

A Few Minutes With
Robert Halfon is a former UK government minister and MP

By Y. Davis

For the Record
Elie Wiesel implored the president not to go to Bitburg: “That place is not your place. Your place is with the victims of the SS”

By Dovi Safier and Yehuda Geberer

Standing Ovation
Veteran producer Dovid Nachman Golding hosts a walk down musical memory lane

By Dovid Nachman Golding

A Better You
Although poor posture can worsen existing scoliosis, it will not cause it to develop

By Family First Contributors

I stand taller yet, flash a smile to 20 upturned faces. Sweet little ten-year-olds. I’ll miss you, girlies

By Chavie Berg

 I head straight for the schoolbags. They’ve been eyeing me since school ended

By Sarah Senders