Jr. Feature
Transforming old things into new creations is something Tova Paneeri does every day

By Malka Grunhaus

Hidden Heroes
“You are not defined by your medical condition! Your neshamah is healthy even if your body is not”

By Tovy Mann

Jr. Fiction
Margalit looks into her cousin’s eyes. “You say that like you think I’m weird. I’m telling you, I just saw the tiger and—”

By Malka Winner

Teen Diary Serial
I wanted to see what would happen if I shared my past with one of the friendly, popular girls in camp

By Chaya Rosen

"I have no time for friends, no time for anything anymore. And my parents are stressed out all the time.”

By Rochel Samet

Story Time
“I can’t even begin to explain to you what it will mean to me if someone has stolen that money”

By Y. Bromberg

Standing Ovation
Music is that extra-sensitive, personal topic that seems to bring people out of the woodwork with their staunch opinions

By Dovid Nachman Golding

A Better You
Getting to the core of who we are takes thought and may sometimes require deep inner work

By Family First Contributors

Family First Serial
“This is our moment, Chay,” Dassi forged on. “Let’s finally do it! Get an apartment together!”

By Chava Meisels

Parents must realize that adult children still need them, and be wise enough to guide them properly

By Faigy Peritzman

Magazine Feature
Rabbi Dovid Keleti won't give up on Hungary's Jewish future

By Yochonon Donn

Washington Wrap
Iranian drones over Kyiv scramble Bibi's Russia policy

By Omri Nahmias