Jr. Feature
There are so many mitzvos, we can’t possibly work on everything at once. The idea is to pick one small area to improve in

By Penina Steinbruch

Teen Diary Serial
And then she told me something that was so amazing. She said to me, “Do you know that you are allowed to speak up for yourself?”

By Miriam Ribiat

In the Spirit
Yom Tov trivia

By Chaya Rosen

Funny, she hadn’t expected Tova to be a coach for the youngest group

By Rochel Samet

Story Time
“’If you agree to join my men in battle and fight side by side with us, I will allow you to return to the land of your people and rebuild your temple'

By Y. Bromberg

Building Dreams
I knew Mama was right. A Seder without Papa? What would that even look like?

By Malka Grunhaus

Break the Chain: Rosh Hashanah Theme 5783
Abba was gone by dawn, not to return until after ten p.m.

By Zehava Siegler

Cut ‘n Paste
Their differences in psak halachah did not get in the way of the genuine respect and friendship they shared for each other

By Mendy Pollak

Break the Chain: Rosh Hashanah Theme 5783
It was absolutely, positively, unquestionably Ma’s fault

By Shoshana Itzkowitz

On Site
Miki Spitzer braves extreme conditions to shoot his spectacular nature prints, but never loses sight of the Artist behind the beauty 

By Miki Spitzer

Family First Inbox
“I wanted to give up. I still might want to give up. But getting a glimpse into the other side of the story gave me the chizuk I needed”

By Family First Readers

Whew. He and Tziporah were lucky that they’d found this rental back when the prices were normal

By Blimi Rabinowitz