Jr. Feature
What seven people in your school want you to know about the new school year

By Penina Steinbruch

Jr. Feature
I am absolutely positively 100 percent totally completely entirely fully utterly (I used a thesaurus) dreading taking the bus

By Malka Winner

Jolly Solly
“Thank you! Thank you!” she cried. She picked him up. “I was so worried about him!”

By R. Atkins

Story Time
“He has forgotten the most enjoyable pastime of his predecessors – tormenting the Jews”

By Y. Bromberg

Building Dreams
What was Elka doing outside at this time of night? How could she have found me?

By Malka Grunhaus

Family First Serial
It seemed that out of town, you invited people to seudos to make friends, and not the other way around

By Esther Kurtz

The Rose Report
Israeli often mimics America’s worst notions, rather than its best

By Binyamin Rose

And then I wondered, did I just lose all credit for driving?

By Esther Kurtz

The Current
Israeli experts are split whether the new deal is merely bad, or a ticking time bomb of a disaster

By Eliezer Shulman

Face to Face
Our minds are not a tool for validation but a path to the Divine

By Mrs. Elana Moskowitz

“Kibbud av v’eim, as my rav states, is a mitzvah we are obligated to do when parents act like parents”

By Mishpacha Readers