Family First Feature
Little changes can create big shifts. And taking on new habits is easier than you think. The core principles of best seller Atomic Habits — and how they played out in real life

By Esther Gratt

The Moment
The Toldos Aharon beis medrash fused Torah learning with stimulating entertainment

By Mishpacha Staff

Family Diary
“My parents think I need a ‘dating coach,’” she said sardonically. “Like I’m doing something wrong”

By Shani Leiman

Second Thoughts
A true convert enriches us. A quickie convert diminishes us

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

The first words I heard weren’t, “Gut Shabbos,” but “Only the Kohanim in the Beis Hamikdash were allowed to be barefoot!”

By Lea Pavel

Ding (Dovid Nachman Golding) shares his personal top-ten HASC musical moments

By Riki Goldstein