Jr. Feature
Some of our readers attended camp; others stayed home or devised creative solutions to the Socially Distanced Summer Challenge

By Leeba Leichtman

Madame Chamberlaine
“Shana! Dana! Is everything okay? Why are the two of you wearing winter hats in this heat?!”

By Tzipie Wolner

Jolly Solly
“Big day? What big day? They’ve canceled the whole outing, because of some stupid health scare”

By R. Atkins

Story Time
   “B-but honorable Rebbe, i-it’s not so simple! They tried to strangle me!”

By Y. Bromberg

Double Dance
Miri felt like a proud grandmother. Seeing her stepfather take interest in Eli filled her with immense joy

By Bracha Rosman

Imagine your house during lockdown... without your parents there!

By Shoshana Itzkowitz

Out of Step
No. No, I’m not doing this. I’m not being all “lost my old best friend but made a new one on my way out of our friendship.” No way

By Ariella Schiller

I wonder if the path is as lonely as I’ve been imagining, after all

By Rochel Samet

All I can say is WOW! Not only did the combination of flavors exceed my expectations, but the vibrant colors lent themselves to the beautiful presentation of this healthy meal-in- ...

By Chavi Feldman

In tribute to Rav Chaim Dov Keller ztz"l, rosh yeshivah of Telshe-Chicago

By Mishpacha Staff

This has got to be one of the simplest recipes I’ve made in a long time!

By Faigy Grossman

Double Take
The summer vacationers snatched away our serenity and cleaning help

By Rochel Samet

No one ever gets bored of Rice Krispies Treats (at least nobody I know!). This will be an instant summer favorite for children of all ages.

By Esther Ottensoser

Jeter hit a triple in the ninth and the Yankees won, but Shuey had felt lousy all night long

By Dov Haller