Jr. Feature

By Yisrael Rutman

Jolly Solly
Bubby opened a closet. Zeidy helped her take out something heavy. Bubby said it was her old sewing machine

By R. Atkins

Story Time
“Pirates? Oh my! All hands on deck! Weapons out! Save yourselves! HEL—”

By Y. Bromberg

Down to a Science
The thing about tickling is it’s actually only funny if you’re not expecting it

By Yael Zoldan

Double Dance
"No one is going to solve their problems by writing to other kids their age. It’s just a glamorized pen pal system”

By Bracha Rosman

Out of Step
I know what she’s thinking: I’m strong until someone takes away my ballet shoes. Then I just become unbearable

By Ariella Schiller

Shooting Stars
The steel, stinging bars weren’t only literal. I had nearly imprisoned my soul

By Shira Gold

Faced with the angry doctor, the desperate Boruch, and the dog, Dovi found himself thinking of his father

By Dov Haller

Family First Feature
As elderly parents age, adult children usually become increasingly involved in their parents’ care. A sensitive look at a challenging situation

By Kayla Markowitz

Point of View
When we stood “as one man with one heart,” the timing was perfect, implanted in our DNA forever

By Rabbi Moshe Grylak zt"l

When she married him, she didn't realize his twin was part of the package

By Rochel Samet

What I learned from Rush Limbaugh's fight

By Binyamin L. Jolkovsky

Rocking Horse
If she says it with enough enthusiasm, they may be able to pretend that they are off on a fairytale journey

By Leah Gebber