Magazine Feature
For centuries, ships carried people and goods across the world. Travel was long and dangerous. Could there be some kind of shortcut? Enter the Suez Canal

By Shira Yehudit Djalilmand

Madame Chamberlaine
“I told you that she likes du gâteau. I brought her a cadeau of gâteau and Captain Cookie will eat it on her bateau!”

By Tzipie Wolner

Story Time
“I saw his face when he was talking with us. He’s completely brainwashed. He needs the ideas of the Jewish people to be beaten out of him!”

By Yehuda Bromberg

Win or Lose
Mr. Greenbaum didn’t wait for Yitzy to respond. “Why don’t you and I learn together, Yitzy?” he asked. “Wouldn’t that be a great idea?”

By Chaim Finkelstein

Bentzi and the Mystery in the Museum
“I don’t feel like knocking on Asher’s again,” I admitted. “I don’t want him to think I’m still trying to make friends with him”

By Shifra Glick

Teen Fiction
In addition to religiously going by my never-a-dull-moment mantra, I wasn’t going to let my sickness ruin my love for life and fun

By Roizy Baum

Bricks and Ladders
Shiri is annoyingly pretty. “But the rest of BY of B can use a little TLC,” I continue. “I mean, what is up with the Plain-Jane look?”

By Ariella Schiller

Therapy Toolbox
Dina blinked, narrowed her eyes, and then crumpled and leaned back against the couch, defenses down. “Yes. Negativity is safe for me. Positivity is scary.”

By Abby Delouya B.A, B.Ed, MFT

Connect Two
“When there’s a pause in conversation, you can join in”

By D. Himy, M.S. CCC-SLP and Zivia Reischer

The keys to life are safely in Hashem’s Hands

By Rabbi Menachem Nissel

Family Reflections
Lectures usually don’t inspire — they backfire

By Sarah Chana Radcliffe

The more one prepares, the more he can receive kedushah

By Faigy Peritzman

“I make sure to do this before every job”

By Riki Goldstein