Magazine Feature
When it comes to checking for bugs, we have to take it very, very seriously, and that includes having to check some of our favorite Yom Tov foods

By Jennifer Tzivia MacLeod

Magazine Feature
Here’s a guide to the interesting fruits that might wind up on your table this year

By Sivi Sekula

Story Time
“Yes, we already know you’re the best dancer around,” another person agreed as the crowd murmured their agreement. “We’re tired of trying to out-dance you”

By Yehuda Bromberg

Tears spring to my eyes. What kind of bar mitzvah will I have? I turn away, trying to hide my reaction to the judge’s words

By Tovy Mann

Teen Fiction
Walking home that’s all I could think about. I was so inspired! I, Sara Malka Fried, would not miss this opportunity

By Rachelli Weinstein

Bricks and Ladders
Mommy laughs and then puts her mug down. “So, tell me again, eight other girls really got your backpack just because Tamara complimented you on it?”

By Ariella Schiller

A classic that shakes the beis medrash.

By Riki Goldstein

Off the Couch
“I’m still strong — and I think it’s due to my chiddush”

By Jacob L. Freedman MD

Second Thoughts
What makes us proud and what makes us ashamed

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

5 to 9
You already have the seeds for success within you

By Moe Mernick

Day in the Life
Ezra Lubelsky’s NusachTefillah.com for baalei tefillah

By Rachel Bachrach

On Site
Kfar Pines was founded in 1933 by new immigrants from Eastern Europe. Today, it’s home to more than 1,000 people, several thousand bees, and frum beekeeper Yehuda Kendal

By Riki Goldstein