Point of View
A people that would throw off the shackles

By Rabbi Moshe Grylak zt"l

Standing Ovation
Veteran producer Dovid Nachman Golding hosts a walk down musical memory lane

By Dovid Nachman Golding

After Three Decades of HASC Concerts, There’s Always a Time for Music

By Riki Goldstein

Cut ‘n Paste
Many times we regret our hurtful or negative words. But we almost never feel remorse for refraining from saying something or rethinking a response

By Rabbi Andi Yudin

“What do you mean, declare bankruptcy?” I asked in horror. “That’ll destroy our credit rating! And who knows what other headaches we’ll have because of it?!”

By C. Saphir

The Current
“As far as international opinion goes, it’s totally different from 2006. Many Arabs would be more than happy if Israel were to destroy Hezbollah”

By Gedalia Guttentag