It was glorious to be taken care of, pampered, all my needs tended to without me saying a word

By Family First Contributors

The Explainer
The right wing’s victory in this election shows that Europeans are wary of increasing Islamic immigration

By Yaakov Lipszyc

The Moment
A gift that doesn’t come wrapped in cellophane

By Shmuel Botnick and Yosef Herz

A voice that sounded suspiciously like her kallah teacher’s hissed in her ear, “Smile! That’s your new husband. Smile!”

By Ariella Schiller

Family First Inbox
“This is a two-sided issue. Parents need to let go, and children need to become independent”

By Family First Readers

“It’s Rina’s last high school play,” I sobbed to my married daughter sitting next to me

By Miriam Klein Adelman