Diary Serial
“Chavy, chas v’shalom!! Don’t talk like that! Of course you’ll have a big family! Really really soon! Say amen!!”
Rain, which functions outside of the normal laws of nature, reminds you Who is running the system
Magazine Feature
In an outpouring of care and concern, Am Yisrael has stepped up to the plate with Torah, tefillah, and chesed
By Shmuel Botnick and Yosef Herz
The Beat
What resistance will the IDF face, what price will have to be paid to win, and will the world let Israel finish the job?
The Rose Report
International law is a profession, but even a layman can learn some of the basics to help defend Israel’s position against its myriad critics
The Moment
he crowd’s attention shifted to a large screen displaying the Rosh Yeshivah wishing a heartfelt brachah to the chassan and kallah
By Shmuel Botnick and Yosef Herz