Ima looks upset. “He said,” she whispers, “that he’s willing to trade. He will get his son and we can keep his daughter.”
Jason Weiner never dreamed he’d be a hospital chaplain. But the nationally recognized expert on medical halachah and pastoral counseling helps Jewish patients make the most import ...
Story Time
“I’m not letting your husband free until he can dance the hopak in my bear costume. How do you like that, eh?”
F is for Friendship
I roll my eyes. It’s the first time I can remember wishing that Penina lived too far away from my house to just walk over.
News In Depth
On a personal level, Binyamin Netanyahu’s official state visit to Lithuania marked a homecoming to the land from which his grandparents fled. On-site report.
The mainstream press calls him a “rogue” for caucusing with the Republicans in the New York Senate, but locally, he’s the guy in the back of the shul who gets things done.