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It’s like a conglomeration of the years of plenty and the years of hunger. There’s nothing, nothing to eat, and yet, there are egg kichels
“My sister’s coworker knows a boy. He’s single.” “That’s exactly what Nechama’s looking for!” says Tatty
There’s a candle, people gather, there are speeches, perhaps refreshments or even a full meal. Yes, all the elements of an event
I’m now a spectator, painfully watching the race go by. I’m no longer one of you
National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, is an annual challenge that takes place each November. Participants commit to writing daily to produce a 50,000-word novel in 30 days
I began working on Rosh Chodesh Adar. Not a moment too soon
He was friends with everyone. His only son was friends with no one
I know it would “make her day” to have a decorator come into her home for a two-hour consultation
Simchah gemachs, Ali, and Shein have made it easy to get the right look. But at what cost?
Meet five women who’ve taken their passion for art and turned it into a viable, enjoyable career
“You need to keep your sense of humor in these situations,” I repeat in a high-pitched, nasal voice. Hah