Family First Feature
DIY kid costumes with spirit and soul

By Esti Vago

Family First Feature
Course 001: Former espionage agents teach the tricks of their trade: people skills

By Rivka Streicher

Family First Inbox
“Our post-seminary system is simply not set up for women to have other women to reach out to in the long term”

By Family First Readers

Tempo: Second Guessing
“Sorry, Shani, being in your ninth month is not an excuse to embarrass someone in public”

By Ariella Schiller

A Better You
A critical understanding of human attachment is recognizing the need to be seen

By Family First Contributors

War Diaries
“I saw you from my window so I came down to help you,” she explains

By Peryl Agishtein

Family Tempo
Reading to women in the nursing home wasn’t meant to be this hard

By Penina Steinbruch

The Next Chapter
“I thought of a buyer,” I told her quickly. “Me!”

By Ahava Ehrenpreis

With so many toppings to choose from, making these chocolate discs can get addictive!

By Esther Ottensoser

Magazine Feature
What if those old pairs of tefillin collecting dust could find a new home and give nachas to the neshamah at the same time?

By Tzvi Askal 

Halls of Power
We can be the difference at the polls. The question is: Will we?  

By Maury Litwack

“I have seen firsthand how the definition of the term ‘top’ has grown warped over the years, especially among girls”

By Mishpacha Readers

For the Record
Rav Yehuda Alkalai (1798–1878) served as rabbi of Belgrade and was an early proponent of Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel

By Dovi Safier and Yehuda Geberer

Second Thoughts
My position was that folks would have to make their own choices: either the minyan or the game

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman