Family First Feature
Can I motivate my kids to do their chores? One woman's valiant quest

By Rivki Silver

Family First Feature
She survived the gas chambers. Almost 80 years later, her granddaughter tells her story

By Esther Shaindy Leshkowitz

Family First Inbox
"If you’re not grown up enough to be able to take the year seriously while still enjoying yourself, please, don’t come"

By Family First Readers

Two Cents
Unsolicited advice from people with no credentials but plenty of opinions

By Chana Fishman and Michali Naiman

A Better You
It’s great to feel appreciated by others, but far more important to be able to recognize your own growth and successes

By Family First Contributors

Dream On
Whatever she ended up doing in life, she’d do it as herself. If nothing else, she’d learned that this year in seminary

By Gila Arnold

Follow Me
“Get their kids away,” Yochi ordered the blond guy. “Someone take them to a quiet place, calm them down”

By Esty Heller

"If others can still see fuchsia and turquoise and saffron, then I know they still exist"

By Shoshana Schwartz

Family Tempo
How long can you mourn the loss of someone who was going to be your world?

By Rachel Newton

Second Thoughts
How can an observant and learned Jew, who dons tefillin every day and maintains Shabbos and kashrus, behave this way?

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

From My Table
Some nights feel like a game of “How many ways can we shake up chicken and broccoli and still create new permutations?”

By Chanie Nayman

"I always remember when I was singing with Miami Boys Choir"

By Riki Goldstein

The slivered garlic slices add a crunchy bite and intense garlic flavor.

By Sima Kazarnovsky

The focus on eradicating COVID-19 is a subspecies of a particularly modern phenomenon called “safetyism” 

By Yonoson Rosenblum