Family First 748 (866) - Mishpacha Magazine - Page 4
Family First Feature
Therapy is complex, grueling — and rewarding

By Family First Contributors

Family First Feature
An assimilated Jew, she discovered light and life in chassidus

By Rivka Streicher

Medical Mysteries
I couldn’t lose my hearing overnight — could I?

By Rachael Lavon

Family First Inbox
"A lot of us find ourselves in the position of being the “Shabbos goy” when it comes to having Internet"

By Family First Readers

Family Diary
This time, when Yehudis hung up, I didn’t have that heavy-hearted feeling. It felt more like hope

By Shani Leiman

Two Cents
"Would it kill them to send a note, preferably not written on a scrap of neon paper that’s buried under —and bleeding into —a heap of wet laundry?"

By Chana Fishman and Michali Naiman

There was one problem: I’m scared of THE BALL. You know, the ball

By Racheli Lebovics

Family Tempo
Just about everything — from the time he left the Mirrer Yeshivah until he married our mother — was wrapped in layers of secrecy

By Shayna Gutke Poupko

For the Record
Harlem’s Jewish population peaked at 175,000 in 1917, making it the world’s third-largest Jewish community after the Lower East Side and Warsaw

By Dovi Safier and Yehuda Geberer

Light Years Away
Tzipporah wanted to know where they expected to find a girl “who didn’t grow up with luxuries,” but was at the same time “able to give an apartment in Yerushalayim”

By Ruti Kepler

"The entire song, the tune, the lyrics, Mona Rosenblum’s arrangement, expressed the feelings of a lot of unsure and frustrated people"

By Riki Goldstein

Text Messages
Government shouldn’t be allowed to curtail religious expression just to make a statement

By Eytan Kobre

Follow Me
“The date. It’s the same date as the Zambia tour. I’ll be leaving a few days before. I won’t be able to come with you”

By Esty Heller

Why does the Mishnah contrast the middos of Avraham and Bilaam rather than Bilaam and Moshe?

By Faigy Peritzman