Family First Inbox
"Being single is hard enough. I don’t need to be single and blamed for it"

By Family First Readers

Family First Feature
Judy Bron lost her sight at 32, but she didn’t succumb to darkness, instead living a full life of strength, positivity, and faith

By Rivki Silver

My Lightning Flash
As we stood at Har Sinai, we saw the thunder, heard the lightning. The lightning fades, but the sudden burst of clarity takes you forward. Six women share a moment that illuminate ...

By Shoshana Schwartz

My Lightning Flash
As we stood at Har Sinai, the experience flooded senses; we saw the thunder, heard the lightning. The lightning fades, but the sudden burst of clarity takes you forward. Six women ...

By Sarah Moses Spero

My Lightning Flash
As we stood at Har Sinai, the experience flooded senses; we saw the thunder, heard the lightning. The lightning fades, but the sudden burst of clarity takes you forward. 6 women s ...

By Michal Abrahams

My Lightning Flash
As we stood at Har Sinai, the experience flooded senses; we saw the thunder, heard the lightning. The lightning fades, but the sudden burst of clarity takes you forward. Six women ...

By Faigy Weinberger

My Lightning Flash
As we stood at Har Sinai, the experience flooded senses; we saw the thunder, heard the lightning. The lightning fades, but the sudden burst of clarity takes you forward. Six women ...

By Beth Perkel

Family First Feature
Four families built through adoption give us a glimpse into their inner world

By Elisheva Luger

Magazine Feature
There are thousands of young people who mistakenly believe themselves halachically Jewish. They are zera Yisrael, of Jewish descent, without being Jewish

By Barbara Bensoussan

 Some of the Jewish music world’s most talented composers are also marbitzei Torah... it’s about letting everyone hear the soundtrack of the beis medrash

By Riki Goldstein


By Danielle Renov

Always on Me
Is there something you always carry on you, even if it’s seen better days?

By Barbara Bensoussan

The pure and holy nature of the victims, one after another, is now known to Jews all over the world

By Yonoson Rosenblum


By Brynie Greisman and Chanie Nayman