Shawls? I’d been prepared for messianic Jews, and they wanted to talk capes?

By Elana Moskowitz

Family First Editor's Letter
While working on our “Impressions” theme, I found myself thinking about that cholent

By Bassi Gruen

Family First Feature
Rebbetzin Chaya Ausband lived with faith, intense joy, and boundless appreciation for Torah

By Gila Arnold

She’ll deny it, but it was always an imbalanced relationship. Chaya was the mashpia and I was the mekabel

By Shoshana Itzkowitz

It’s been over 20 years since that summer. But I’ve never forgotten Henchi and her kindness

By Russy Tendler

I wondered if it was time to take on something I had an aversion to — physical exercise

By Esther Shaindy Leshkowitz

Years ago, you crossed paths, and something changed. Her hands warmed your essence, left an imprint upon your soul. 7 writers sought out the women who changed them

By Gila Arnold

In 2020 we recognize “so normal” as authentic. That was Miri. No pretenses, no apologies, no straining

By Esther Kurtz

The time and place to yearn for Mashiach is especially when we are at our magnificent best

By Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky

Family First Feature
There’s no one more uniquely qualified to answer these questions than those who dated for years before they met their bashert

By Kayla Markowitz

Voice in the Crowd
Regal, elegant, and masked, the Rebbe made his way down

By Yisroel Besser

I seemed to be suffering a strange and recurring case of mistaken identity — and it would end up changing my life forever

By Rivki Silver

Rocking Horse
“Many are filled with anger, for that is the only force they find to sustain themselves”

By Leah Gebber

Double Dance
“I know how much you sacrificed, and I want to make everything good and happy for you. Believe me. I really, really do”

By Bracha Rosman