Magazine Feature
How to give kids the life tools they need to achieve social success

By Bluma Schur-Gordon

Sister Shmooze
The Sisters and their families soar beyond the nest

By Emmy Leah Stark Zitter and Marcia Stark Meth and Miriam Stark Zakon

Oh, great. He’s rhyming again. He only speaks in rhyme when he’s stressed or upset. It’s official. He totally, totally thinks I’m terrible

By Rachael Lavon

He put down the sefer and walked into another room. She followed him. She watched as he leaned his head against the wall and sobbed

By Esti Stein

Self-pity sweeps in like a welcome friend. Will I ever really be understood? Why can’t Aryeh have a turn looking after these little troublemakers?

By Chaya Liba Aarons

Center Stage
Who did this woman think she was, calmly standing there and imagining some psychological diagnosis for Rina, as if she had a complete understanding of Rina’s psyche?

By Gila Arnold

The Gatekeeper's Daughter
He wants her to bring this money back when she returns? She is about to leave this all behind. There’s a chance she will never return

By Esther Teichtal

More or Less
Negotiations, I remember reading once, are not a zero-sum game with winners and losers, but a transaction where each side prioritizes what they really want

By Esther Kurtz

Teen Fiction
She hasn’t told anybody in her class that Daddy doesn’t live at home because Mommy said that these things should not be discussed

By Chaya Blumenberg

Bentzi and the Mystery in the Museum
“The base!” cried Yom Tov. “Don’t you get it? Maybe the thief will come back to get it. The dreidel isn’t worth so much without the base”

By Shifra Glick

Win or Lose
Yitzy couldn’t blame his parents. He was worried too. What would happen if they were kicked out of their wonderful apartment? Where would they go?

By Chaim Finkelstein

Story Time
Yonah winced as he tried adjusting himself higher onto the bed. “I’m just not so smart. But you know what? I’d wrestle a bear again for sure”

By Yehuda Bromberg

Jolly Solly
“Daddy! Guess what! Mr. Krankowitz is becoming rich. He got a letter from a company about diamonds in Antarctica. Maybe you can get rich as well”

By R. Atkins

Magazine Feature
When Moishy Hersko and his group of frum globe-trotters arrived in Antarctica this December, though, they brought sparks of warmth, excitement, and inspiration to thaw the ice a b ...

By Leeba Leichtman