Center Stage
“I should’ve worn a sheitel,” Gabriella muttered to Melanie, after receiving yet another appraising stare, this time from the purple-haired young woman

By Gila Arnold

Care to Join
“He says maybe if he gets rid of all his possessions, his life will become simpler. Life gets complicated when you just have too much”

By Leah Greene

Whatever I’m given is a gold mine

By Riki Goldstein

Family Reflections
Nurture your blessings and watch them blossom

By Sarah Chana Radcliffe

We know what we want — but do we know what He wants?

By Rebbetzin Debbie Greenblatt

The wife of the famed mussar personality Rav Shlomo Wolbe ztz”l, Rebbetzin Rivka, who passed away two weeks ago, fused her elevated inner being with a deceptive down-to-earth simp ...

By Riki Goldstein

On Topic
Are comic books a teacher’s best friend or worst enemy? Authors and experts share their opinions about the literary genre that many kids love best

By Uri Man

Therapy Toolbox
Everything is really good,” she took a breath, bracing herself. “But I can’t stay alone.” She slumped back on the couch

By Abby Delouya B.A, B.Ed, MFT

Sisters Share
In this new column, we’ll meet wonderful girls who all have siblings with special needs, and they’ll share with us how they feel about being “special” sisters

By C. Rosen

I couldn’t believe they would make me do this. Take me out of school altogether? Separate me from my friends?

By Ruchy Bromberg

Was I married, I asked. Did I have kids? This was not a given in my 11th grade mind. And amazingly, baruch Hashem, I can smirk at that now

By Esther Kurtz

The Gatekeeper's Daughter
Leah wonders where all the people are hiding in modern-day Lithuania. It is a far cry from the jam-packed highways leading in and out of Yerushalayim

By Esther Teichtal

Family Tempo
“I’m worried about his ability to be empathetic,” Raizy says slowly, still reading through the résumé. “To be caring, to anticipate someone else’s needs”

By Leora Klinberg

Shared Space
But still, this— a black and gray beaver with a shocked expression on its face— was a weird way to show your husband you took him seriously

By Dov Haller